Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Amanda Schmidgall

Name: Amanda Schmidgall
Birthday: May 27, 1983
Random Fact: I want to be quadrilingual

What inspires me:

What I want to learn about or learn to do better:
Composition, Aperture / Depth of field (i.e. “blurriness”)

My favorite subject matter to shoot is:
Landscapes, Candid (people), Children

My experience as a photographer:
I enjoy it as a hobby, and want to get better.

What I hope to learn/do this semester:
Expand my portofolio. Understand what makes a good picture and how to capture that. Use photography as a way to serve. I'm looking forward to a scheduled time and place to give me the impetus to start taking pictures again.

My favorite places to take pictures around here:
Historical landmarks in D.C. Parks. Church events. Shenendoah Valley and other "nature" places. The ocean.

My suggested activities and ideas:
Go out and shoot pics. Go to a photography show or art gallery. Take pictures at NCC outreach events. Take pictures at Ebenezers.


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