Angela Yee
Name: Angela Yee
Birthday: November 10
Random Fact: my Myers-Briggs type is ISFJ
Portfolio: none yet
What inspires me: music of all kinds
What I want to learn about or learn to do better:
Composition, Color, Aperture/Depth of field (i.e. “blurriness”), Shutter speed, Lighting, Black and White, Digital photo editing
My favorite subject matter to shoot is:
cities/landscapes, people i know, sun/nature, words
My experience as a photographer:
junior high class using a manual camera and being in the darkroom, and it's a hobby i like
What I hope to learn/do this semester:
learn to takes pictures that tell a story - "a picture is worth a thousand words"
My favorite places to take pictures around here:
anywhere so far
My suggested activities and ideas:
Eastern Market, neighborhoods of DC/Virginia, i like the "word pictures" idea too
I have a great photo of Angela for her profile if you want it : ) (evil laugh)
very scary picture...
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