Stephen Elliot
Name: Stephen Elliot
Birthday: April 12
Random Fact: I have the entire Peanuts gang in 5 foot tall cardboard cutouts. ...made by yours truly.
Portfolio: Mud Productions Flickr Photos
What inspires me: David Molnar Val Proudkii drawing book instrumental movie soundtracks
What I want to learn about or learn to do better:
Aside from the fact that I want to get better at everything, I would like to learn how to photograph people well, and experiment more with lighting.
My favorite subject matter to shoot is:
Still life, Abstract, and just finding unique ways to photograph everyday things.
My experience as a photographer:
Started in the technical world of computers and began to study video and film. Since I didn't have access to a motion picture camera, I figured a 35mm still camera would be the next best thing. I read a couple books, but more importantly, I just ventured out to take pictures and learned as I went.
What I hope to learn/do this semester:
I'm excited to see what will happen as a group as well as how everybody will refine their craft individually. I look forward to taking pictures at NCC where they are needed, and I can't wait to learn from others.
My favorite places to take pictures around here:
Just about anywhere. I try to find something cool everywhere, although, sometimes I do this at the expense of missing the obvious =)
My suggested activities and ideas:
Photo scavenger hunt; various exercises that stretch your creativity; "Word Pictures"
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