Saturday, June 17, 2006

bubble gum cereal, it's all the rage

I'm gonna go out on a limb here (then again, when do I not go out on a limb??) and say that good times were had by all at the Arboretum today! It was a hot day, but we worked it out. Here's a shout out to Katherine, Allyn, and Dave for checkin' us out for the first time today (a non-metro accessible location, no less!)

For those of you who couldn't make it, we spent the first hour talking about some guidelines for composition and when to use certain drive modes on your camera (e.g. shooting in automatic, manual, or aperture priority, etc...) Special thanks to Marie Claire and Rodney for adding their valuable input to the discussion! ...and Lisa, well, I'm glad I didn't have to give you a hard time for not showing up =D

Next week (no, that's not a typo, you are in fact getting the details for next week's shoot a whole week in advance! ...just don't get used to it =) Next Saturday we're going to do a night shoot around the World War II Memorial (and anywhere else we feel like venturing to). We will meet at 8 o'clock PM at the DC War Memorial. NOTE: the DC War Memorial is NOT the same thing as the WWII Memorial. Click the above link for specific directions.

I'm fully aware that it is not dark yet at 8:00, but we will spend the first half hour or so discussing how to take photographs at night. I don't expect anybody to do this, but you might spare yourself some frustration by reading (just a part of) your camera's instruction manual. Specifically, try to learn how to adjust the shutter speed on your camera. Not mandatory, but suggested. Also, if you have a tripod you will need to bring it. I will bring three tripods for anyone to use. If you're feeling adventurous you can pick up an inexpensive tripod (or triopd, as I like to type it right now) for about $30 that will do the job just fine. Again, not mandatory, but it might help things run a little smoother.

Lastly, here's a few other things to put on your tracking device (bet you thought I was gonna say "radar").

Stage Left, an NCC small group headed by our very of Kacey McGowan, is looking for someone(s) to take headshots of the group members. They will be doing a production/performance at the end of the summer (correct me if I'm wrong) and they need photos of the performers. This is a perfect opportunity to practice portrait photography as well as get some experience using an external flash (uh, unless you guys have an external flash, I'm guessin that means you'll be using mine. Whatever, it's cool.) Kacey will let us know what dates they will need the headshots taken, and she might even give us all some Bagel Bites! ...okay so maybe I just put words in her mouth, but you have to admit, they do sound pretty good right about now.

Yet another small group is calling upon your expertise and is looking for some great photos. Juman I-don't-know-his-last-name leads the "Dance Party" small group on Thursday nights. They want photos that show everybody having a good time dancin' it up! Since people tend to get a little (okay, a lot) self-conscious when the camera is around, I'm looking for only two or three people to snag some pictures this Thursday. Let me know if you're available.

I met with the dude from Mocha Hut cafe today and he's excited about the possibility of having us display our photos at his shop! There are some logistics that we will need to figure out, but he's very easy-going about it. This would be an opportunity for us to not only display, but also sell some of our photos. Keep your eye out for more detailed info in regard to this.

Lastly, if you do not have a profile link on the right and you would like to be included, send me an email with all the information filled out (copy it from one of the other profiles) I'll even give you a Charlie Brown sticker if you include a photo! ...who can resist that?!

We all already know how awesome I am, so instead let me tell you guys (and gals) how awesome you are! I consider myself blessed to be taking photos and laughing and learning alongside you all! Keep making the group a happenin' place!


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