Rachelle Wilson
Name: Rachelle Wilson
Birthday: December 9
Random Fact: My goal in life is to get deported from a country --hopefully China.
Portfolio: Flickr
What inspires me: (links to photos, books, articles, whatever gets you goin')
What I want to learn about or learn to do better:
Color, Night Photography, Lighting, Black and White, Digital photo editing (e.g. Photoshop)
My favorite subject matter to shoot is:
Landscapes, Candid (people)
My experience as a photographer:
I enjoy it as a hobby, and want to get better.
What I hope to learn/do this semester:
I want to have a better understanding of what makes a great picture and how to capture that.
My favorite places to take pictures around here:
Nature: Rock Creek, Mt. Vernon, Shenandoahs
My suggested activities and ideas:
Watch Napoleon Dynamite and Monty Python; volleyball, sports, Nats game.
I'm working on putting together a "portfolio" of good pictures on my new flickr account...
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