Saturday, May 20, 2006

It's that time again!

Sing it with me now, "It's the most, won-der-ful tiiiiime of the yeeeeeeeeear!" That's right, the new semester is starting up, so this is my shout-out to all the peeps who are checking this thing out for the first time. If you're on the fence about whether or not to give it a try, consider what a few of the photo groupies have to say: Stuart says, "The photography group really revolutionized my life, and I've improved my Napoleon Dynamite impersonation." Kacey said, "I'm giddy like a little girl on Christmas Eve just thinking about the photography group!!!!!" Rodney's advice, "Always follow the wise advice of the group leader. He's such an amazing communicator and really makes you feel special." Angela also adds, "You really won't find a better group to join, so save yourself the trouble and come to the photography group."

...okay so maybe I just made all that up. =) Anyway...

This summer marks our second semester as a group, and it'll be a good one fo' shizzle! In fact, this coming weekend (26th - 28th) we will be showcasing some of our favorite photos from last semester at the one and only Ebenezers! So when you pop into Ebenezers to get your coffee fix next weekend, be sure to visit the lower level and see what we did last semester.

So yeah, the links below (also on the right) will provide [hopefully] useful information about us. We all know you really don't have anything better to be doing on a Saturday afternoon, so come check it out!

  • About Us

  • Who What When Where Why

  • FAQ's

  • Online Community

  • Looking to the Future

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