a moose once bit my sister
Dude.... Is this not awesome weather we've been having the last couple days?! It's even better than eating a whole stick of butter in one sitting! As I see it, we should carpe diem, dust off the ol' camera, and take some pictures!
Old Town Alexandria is the place to be this Saturday. We'll meet at the Starbucks on King Street at 2:30. I don't think we're gonna have a mad rush of new people, so we won't have to do the usual, "What's your name, where ya from, whaddya do?..." sort of thing. Instead, I thought we could all just sing "Feliz Navidad" and take pictures of people who are trying not to stare at us.
Once we finish that, we'll hit up the old town and see what awaits us. Any photo group veterans out there will know that we've been to Old Town before, but alas, the group has morphed and changed and now a new, bolder group shall marcheth on! Watch ya'self!
Okay but seriously, first 45ish minutes will be talking shop at Starbucks (e.g. what makes a good picture and how to capture it, sort of stuff...) followed by the, "Let's see if all this stuff Stephen is saying is actually true" part where we take pictures with our (hopefully) newfound knowledge.
Is it just me, or am I running in circles? Okay, moral of the story: Old Town, Starbucks, 2:30, be there or else....
I'm going out of town again. Sadness! I love Old Town!
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