Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back inaction! (no typos there)

No no no, those aren't heart palpitations. In fact, it's normal for people to get a little excited when I start talking. Just take a deep breath (repeat as necessary) and you'll be all right.

Anyway, it's been a few weeks since we've gotten together, and everybody's schedules have been rather crazy with traveling and whatnot. Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I'm not quite ready to hit the town and fire the shutter just yet. Instead, I thought we could all get together and hang out at myplace (better than myspace, believe it or not) and watch a movie and chill and hear crazy stories of Africa, Galapagos, Europe, and other really exotic places like Texas.

I'm a bit undecided on what movie to watch. My first thought was Crash because I haven't seen it and would like to, but then it occurred to me that some of you (poor, depraved lads) have yet to see Napoleon Dynamite or (*gasp*) Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. I own ND, but we would need to rent either of the other two unless one someone has them. Anyway, make use of the comment feature on here and cast your vote.

Indecision aside, meet at my apartment at 7:30 this Saturday (19th). Feel free to bring a snack or drinks. Let me know if you don't know how to get to my apartment and I'll pass some directions your way. I hope you all can make it! I look forward to seeing you guys again.


At 3:23 AM, Blogger Rachelle said...

I'm moving, so I don't think I'll be able to make it on Saturday. If I get done early, I might swing by, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you...

For any of you diehard Monty Python and teh Quest for the Holy Grail fans, I'm going to see it at Strathmore's Outdoor Film Festival on Friday night at 8:30pm! :-)

Click here for more info


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