Friday, August 25, 2006

The Emerging Photographers...

August lingers on, and that means D.C. at large is still in a mostly lethargic state. Perhaps in the last week you stumbled across an old friend (your camera) and noticed that it was feeling neglected, covered in dust. Well, you and your cameras will be happy to know that we're gonna make like Rambo and shoot it up tomorrow!

We're gonna do a photo shoot at Arlington Cemetery at 11AM tomorrow. Meet at the top of the escalators. We'll forgo the usual instructional session and get straight to shooting since there really isn't much of a place to meet and hang out at the cemetery. We might metro to Pentagon City afterward and grab some grub, or you can pack a lunch or something.

Chances are, it will be a little more laid back (read "less structured" =) than usual since it is indeed still August and everybody's schedules seem to be kinda crazy. For what it's worth, I imagine I'll be taking a lot of Black and White photos, so this would be a great chances to experiment with B&W again.

Call me if you have any questions. Can't wait to see you all again!


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Rachelle said...

I'm moving tomorrow, so I can't make it :(


At 2:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry, Rachelle, but that was your excuse LAST weekend. Time for a new one, or else we'll come banging on your doors demanding that you join us.


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