early bird special
Man, did anybody not have a good time at the kite festival!? That's what I thought. Thanks to everybody who came out and laughed/watched/made fun of Stephen/oh, and took pictures too!
This weekend is the leadership summit / 101, so we're gonna mix things up a bit. Those of us in leadership (man, that sounds way too cocky; let me rephrase that...) Anyone making feeble attempts to organize a small group at NCC is strongly encouraged to attend the summit at 9:00 o'clock at Ebenezers. Additionally, if you are interested in leading a small group, or if you just want to hear where NCC stands on small group ministry (they call it "Discipleship") I would encourage you to go to Leadership 101 at 2 PM @ Ebenezers. It's very casual, and it doesn't mean you have to lead a group. Check it out, maybe it'll spark something.
So in light of all that, we're goin' extreme this weekend. As much as I don't like the sound of the alarm clock at 5 something in the morning, we're gonna do a sunrise photo shoot this Saturday. Capitol Hill is the location of choice. If you have a better idea, fire away! This here fella only sees the sunrise if it's been a late night, in which case I am usually sitting at my computer. SO, I don't know the best places to shoot in the morning, although the couple times I have been in the city at sunrise, I thought the streets lined with row houses looked really sharp in the early morning light.
According to Weather.com sunrise is at 5:54. The plan is to meet at Union Station (top of the escalators --shops exit) at 6 AM --ouch! We'll head out and do what we do best --yes, in addition to laughing at another one of Stephen's low-angle shots, we'll also take pictures =) Depending on how everybody's feelin' we might grab some breakfast afterward. I've heard Eastern Market has some mad pancakes. Whatever, we'll figure it out as we go. ...just like we always do.
Just a couple other things I want to put on your radar. Next Tuesday evening, say, 7:30 we'll do part 1 of 2 Photoshop lessons. Part 1 will be a broad overview of the program. We'll cover several tools, techniques, and workflows to give you a better idea of what can be done with Photoshop and hopefully help you start thinking about how you can manipulate the image after the fact. Part 2 will be the hands-on portion where we will get our hands dirty and make some sweet-awesome images in the process. Again, part 1 is this coming Tuesday (April 4th). Location is still TBD; if anybody is willing to open their house for the evening, lemme know!
Also, there are some rumors floating around about doing a possible potluck/movie night some time. If you all have any suggestions of time/place/theme/oatmeal throw 'em out there and let's talk it up!
Otay, I think that covers everything. Chances are I'll remember something else and add it later, but for now, it's there. Have a good one! See you dark and early this Saturday!
Yep, I remembered... We got another nod from Pastor Mark after the inaugural services at Ebenezers. ...and another. ...and another! ...and uh nuhther!! Great job everybody! All the camera commotion created an air of excitement at the services. ...okay maybe some people were annoyed too, but who really cares about them anyway?! =D j/k
Secondly, I was just browsing through some of our pictures again. Some of you have uploaded some new pictures since I last checked, and let me just say that I am blown away at some of the pictures you guys are taking!! Several weeks ago Kacey suggested setting up or own mini gallery/exhibit at Ebenezers as we come to the end of the semester, and now I'm totally jazzed about that idea! We'll talk more about it later, but keep up the great work everybody!